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Ensuring Quality and Compliance

McVac Hydro Excavating is dedicated to supporting the strength, durability, and compliance of underground pipelines. Our mandrel testing services apply proven techniques to provide precise evaluations for a variety of materials, from industrial metals to high-grade plastics.

Full-Spectrum Mandrel Testing

Our services are essential for determining the reliability of flexible pipes in underground sewer environments, ensuring they withstand pressure and maintain integrity. Our testing services include:

Mandrel Diameter Verification

We meticulously measure mandrel diameters to ensure the precise calibration needed for accurate testing.

Mandrel Flexibility and Strength Testing

Our tests rigorously assess materials through simulations that replicate bending and twisting conditions encountered in real-world situations.

Mandrel Coating Integrity

We examine the coating's durability and adhesion, metrics critical to longevity, and quality assessment.

Customized Testing Protocols

Our specialists design tests tailored to accommodate the unique demands of diverse industry standards and client expectations.

Detailed Reporting

We provide transparent, in-depth reports with results and insights necessary for product enhancement and optimization.

Trust in Our Expertise

McVac Hydro Excavating‘s mandrel testing services are an investment in the assurance of sewer pipes’ performance and compliance. The integrity of your material infrastructure is too critical to leave to chance. Partner with us for testing services that support your commitment to excellence and durability.

Get in Touch Today

At McVac Hydro Excavating, our team is committed to excellence, so you can feel confident no matter the size or scope of the project, your underground assets will be protected. We value your project needs, and our PACP, LACP, and MACP-certified operators will work with you to ensure no detail of the job is overlooked. Contact our team today to request a quote.

Service With Integrity