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Hydro Excavating Specialists Serving Northern Illinois and Southeastern Wisconsin

At McVac Hydro Excavating, we’re the trusted name residential, commercial, and municipal customers choose for hydro excavating services throughout Northern Illinois and Southeastern Wisconsin. Throughout our years of dedication to the local community, we’ve built a reputation for high-quality service, responsiveness, and reliability. Our skilled and experienced operators have access to the right equipment and trusted industry techniques, allowing us to complete nearly any hydro excavation project. Learn more about why we’re the premier hydro excavation company in the area.

Speciality truck

Why Choose Us?

Excavation is critical to your plumbing, electrical, or gas line project. The right company has the skills, experience, and equipment to handle every job with precision. We’re the team you can trust for all your hydro excavation projects. Our personalized approach allows our operators to provide accurate and safe excavation services based on the project size and scope. When you choose us for your next project, you can expect the following:

  • Customer-Oriented – We understand every project is unique. Our team offers personalized services for every job to meet your needs.
  • Knowledge and Experience – A wealth of expertise means we can handle complex, large, and challenging projects.
  • Community Network – As an excavation company serving the local community, we’ve garnered a positive reputation throughout the area.
  • Competitive Pricing – Our team is committed to honest, straightforward pricing. We will work with you to ensure you get the services you need.

Service With Integrity

A Veteran-owned Business

Rooted in discipline and excellence, our veteran-owned enterprise proudly serves Lake, Cook, McHenry, and Boone Counties in Illinois.

Trusted Service

We build relationships based on trust, honesty, and integrity. Our meticulous cleaning processes always maintain the highest standards of quality.

Commitment to Satisfaction

Our word is our bond. We ensure every job is conducted thoroughly, with no shortcuts or compromises.

worker in PPE clothing

Professional Hydro Excavating Services

When you choose us for your commercial, residential, or municipal hydro excavation project, you can trust our team to deliver exceptional results. We offer a wide range of hydro excavation services, including potholing, trenching, tank cleanouts, and much more. So, whether you require delicate subsurface utility excavation, storm drain cleaning, or trenching our controlled and focused approach minimizes disruption to the surrounding area.

Get in Touch Today

At McVac Hydro Excavating, our team is committed to excellence, so you can feel confident no matter the size or scope of the project, your underground assets will be protected. We value your project needs, and our PACP, LACP, and MACP-certified operators will work with you to ensure no detail of the job is overlooked. Contact our team today to request a quote.

Service With Integrity