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Lift Station Servicing and Cleaning in Northern Illinois and Southeastern Wisconsin

McVac Hydro Excavating provides lift station cleaning services throughout Northern Illinois and Southeastern Wisconsin. We understand the importance of maintaining a fully functional lift station, and our thorough commercial and residential cleaning services are designed to clean and ensure the longevity and reliability of your wastewater systems.

Comprehensive Cleaning Solutions

Our services are centered around proactivity and quality. When you choose us for your lift station cleaning, you can expect:

Routine and Emergency Cleaning

Regular maintenance prevents overflows and avoids expensive emergency repairs. We're available 24/7 for any abrupt issues.

High-Pressure Water Jetting and Vacuuming

High-pressure water jetting services allow our operators to break down cooking grease and other debris trapped in your lift station. Then, we use high-powered vacuums to remove the debris. Routine cleaning is essential for maintaining your lift station.

Inspection and Preventive Maintenance

We'll identify underlying issues with our inspections before they escalate into larger problems. Our team is focused on prevention with honest advice to keep your lift station operating properly.

Customizable Service Plans

We have flexible options for services aligned with your unique needs and budget. Our diverse experience enables us to serve municipalities, commercial, industrial, and residential clients.

Schedule Your Cleaning and Inspection

Regular maintenance is recommended with annual inspections to minimize any potential backups or breakdowns. Facilities with heavy usage, such as restaurants and apartment complexes, may require more frequent check-ins. Neglect isn’t just about unpleasant odors; it can lead to significant financial strain. Invest in your lift station’s health with McVac Hydro Excavating. Reach out to us for an assessment and cleaning tailored to your specific needs. You can trust our commitment to quality service and environmental responsibility. Feel free to contact us anytime. We’re ready to respond to scheduled cleanings and unforeseen emergencies.

Get in Touch Today

At McVac Hydro Excavating, our team is committed to excellence, so you can feel confident no matter the size or scope of the project, your underground assets will be protected. We value your project needs, and our PACP, LACP, and MACP-certified operators will work with you to ensure no detail of the job is overlooked. Contact our team today to request a quote.

Service With Integrity