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Underground Pipe and Sewer Inspection Services

McVac Hydro Excavating understands the complexities and challenges of maintaining a safe and efficient underground pipe and sewer infrastructure. Our mainline televising services offer a superior solution for municipalities, property managers, and utility companies seeking an effective and non-destructive method to inspect underground pipes. Contact us for inspection services in Northern Illinois and Southeastern Wisconsin.

sewer video inspection

Accurate Diagnosis Without Excavation

Our service allows for the precise identification of blockages, breaks, or leaks without the need for disruptive excavation work, significantly reducing both cost and time spent on diagnostics and repairs.

High-Definition Real-time Inspection

Utilize the power of real-time, high-definition video inspection to obtain a clear and detailed view of the internal condition of your pipelines, enabling immediate decisions and actions.

Preventative Maintenance

Detect potential issues early to prevent major damages and avoid costly overhauls. Our proactive approach to pipeline maintenance helps preserve the integrity of your pipe systems.

Technical Excellence in Inspection

Our cutting-edge, remotely operated camera technology is specifically designed to thoroughly explore and inspect pipes accessible through utility holes or other entry points. The process features:

Advanced Camera Insertion

Deployment of our camera equipment into the pipeline via existing access points for comprehensive internal inspection.

Real-time HD Video Streaming

Live feedback for our skilled technicians to scrutinize pipe conditions, with the ability to pinpoint precise problem areas.

Recorded Video Analysis

All video footage is recorded for thorough post-inspection analysis, allowing clients to review the state of their pipelines first-hand.

Interpretative Software Analysis

Our PACP, LACP, and MACP-certified operators offer accurate measurements and generate detailed reports on pipeline conditions using specialized software.

Customized Inspection Focus

Whether focusing on specific concerns or assessing the entire network, we tailor our services to meet your unique requirements.

Safety and Environmental Compliance

We are committed to upholding industry standards in safety, quality, and environmental stewardship throughout our operation.

Contact Us for Televised Pipe Inspection

For municipalities, property managers, and utility companies, our mainline televising services represent a pinnacle of pipeline inspection solutions. Our PACP, LACP, and MACP-certified operators can assess the condition of your underground utilities with our video inspection equipment and provide you with an analysis of our findings to safeguard your infrastructure.

Get in Touch Today

At McVac Hydro Excavating, our team is committed to excellence, so you can feel confident no matter the size or scope of the project, your underground assets will be protected. We value your project needs, and our PACP, LACP, and MACP-certified operators will work with you to ensure no detail of the job is overlooked. Contact our team today to request a quote.

Service With Integrity